It finally happened. The moment we have been talking about for months had occurred. While it is the most financially mature option, I have been silently dreading it-we downsized from two vehicles to one. With my maternity leave running out this week and me at home with baby 3 coming soon, it made sense. Still I have been spoiled-for the last 10years I have always had access to a vehicle. The change makes sense, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
It would be easier to handle if my husband wasn't so darn giddy about it. He got what he wanted-a truck. Correction a big ass truck. Dave needed a truck for both his current job and side business and he had to get one where the cab could fit two carseats. We traded our nice Jetta Sedan for a truck-a XL, supersize my Ford please truck. On the plus side we will save a lot of money in monster truck tickets-if we ever feel the need to see a truck driving over smaller vehicles, we can choose not to brake during rush hour traffic. We are now truck people and we live in Maple Ridge. We just ran over and killed whatever was left of City Kali. I am now officially a redneck. Jeff Foxworthy's "
You know you're a redneck" comedy bit is no longer a joke, it's my morning checklist when I get ready. We now just need those fake balls that hang from the hitch and a bumper sticker that reads "
keep honking I'm reloading" and my transformation is complete....ooooh and maybe a gun rack-I wonder if Disney Princesses make one.
This is our truck pulled from Google. Ours isn't red or have a grill but it is parked in the underground garage like above |
I hate this truck.
The reason why I hate the truck so much is that I cannot drive it. I could barley drive and the Jetta. This thing is massive, in fact, even
I could manage to park the Jetta into its crew cab and that is saying a lot since I usually have to close one eye to get the proper depth perception to park. I would have to borrow Lily's booster seat just to see over the steering wheel. The salesman at the dealership told me it is easier to drive a truck than a car...of course it is, with a truck you can just drive over top of everything. You don't have to worry about damaging your paint job on pillars when you can just plow them over. Trouble staying in your lane? No worries, this truck easily takes up both of them and defies anyone who begs to differ.
There is no way I would get behind the wheel of this thing. We only have 1 million liability with our car insurance, I can easily use that up just taking a trip to the corner store. So basically I am now without a car to drive, which means I have to bus or have my husband ferry me around. Now many people know that I do not drive often, maybe once or twice a week if that. However it is nice to have the option especially since I am almost 8months pregnant and after that will have two kids. It is also nice to not step out of your truck and have the world assume you're a jerk because you accidentally parked over its poodle. Just saying.
Opps I didn't damage your paint job did I? Maybe we should swap info, this is my first time driving a truck, didn't see you there.. |
I hate our new truck.
We were driving from the dealership today and I looked over to the gas gauge. It was on borderline empty. I laughed and told Dave sarcastically "it was nice of them to fill it up for us". Dave informed me that they had just put $30 in it for us. Our carbon footprint now rivals Bigfoot's or Khole Kardashin's foot in size. Driving home from the dealership on commercial drive I could hear the hippies shaking their heads in judgement-so I guess the whole day wasn't a bust if I annoyed some hippies. While I am not a tree hugger, I do worry about my paper consumption.... in my wallet and how much of it I'll need to spend to just keeping this thing on the road.
I'm sorry did my carbon foot print step on your smartcar? |
So apparently this is my husband's idea of downgrading. Next time he tells me we have to downgrade our apartment I'll be planning on moving into a 5bedroom mansion. Not to mention we currently have 2 vehicles still since we have yet to sell his Ford Ranger so for at least a month we will be paying MORE money than before. Yes you read that correctly. We are not just one truck people we are two truck people. Vroom Vroom, eat carbon Greenpeace.
Honey I'm home! Hope you don't mind I parked our truck on the street |
*Images taken from google- Please note that I read the website writting that accompanied the pictures to make sure no one died from them*
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