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Back when we had a disposable income, we disposed most of it at Pango Pizza. We ate pizza maybe 2 times a week. I'm pretty sure the delivery driver thought we were housing the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" with the amount of pizza we bought. When we cleaned up our financial act, we no longer could blow $48 an order on pizza eating contests so we switched over to frozen pizza. At first I resisted, and very slowly, two then four ended up in our cart. If it went on sale-even more. Sure I'd tell myself, only for rainy days. Truth be told, it rains a lot in Vancouver. A pizza has an average lifespan of an afternoon in our apartment. If you put a gazelle in the lion's cage at the zoo it would have a better chance of surviving. This week "Wild Mikes" went on sale at Save-On-Foods for half the price and I filled my cart up thinking, this will be perfect for when I don't feel like cooking. Truth be told I don't feel like cooking as often as it rains in Vancouver...a lot.
Some may say pizza can be healthy, after all didn't American school systems rule pizza as a vegetable since it had 2tbles of tomato sauce on it? Well when you live with a man like my husband the simple answer is no. This isn't when you go out with your girlfriends and "order the thin crust with tons of vegetables then eat only two slices because you don't want to be judged on your gluttony", this is "the thick crust tons of pepperoni and cheese and why are we kidding ourselves? just cut the entire pizza into 2 slices so I don't have to get up more than once". We always kid ourselves that we will have left overs for lunch, but it's amazingly simple to down an entire pizza.
They say when you go into a long term relationship you gain weight. Studies have shown that you are more comfortable with yourself, relax a bit at the gym and generally ditch the salad for steak. We didn't need studies for that, I could have told you that living with a man and gaining weight is as sure of a correlation as the distance to the closest Tim Hortons and the circumference of my ass. Since I've been married I've gained 80lbs(in all fairness that involves 3 pregnancies), and my eating habits are way different. Also when you don't have to troll the clubs, the hot pants go to the back of the closet as well as your self dignity. I'll take my sweat pants any day, plus didn't Flo Rider sing about "baggy sweat pants and reboks with the straps" as being sexy? I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I still had a waist line, my relationship isn't helping it....
You see I've tried to get our family to eat healthy, and when I had gestational diabetes with Lily, I was fairly successful. When you've seen the disease in action it tends to scare you straight into the vegetable aisle. Now that my pancreas has a clean bill of health I'm right back to the sugar aisle and making up for lost time (with a vengeance). If you cut me open you'd find that I'm full of sugar and spice and everything nice. I once tried to set up "Meatless Mondays" a few months ago but the gnashing of teeth and potential mutiny quickly killed the idea, plus we don't want to give Lily the impression that being vegan is cool. We also started doing meal plans so that we would resist the temptation to use processed foods, but with Dave on nights it has been a challenge-it's hard to cook for yourself. Plus we get kicked out of the apartment during the day so he can sleep since Lily is a bit...shreiky. Don't even get me started on going organic. We could if we could also settle for living in a van by the river....I mean 4.99 for a pound of organic apples (compared to 1.99 is a bit extreme), plus I find comfort in knowing that if I fart the pesticides in my colon will kill any spiders in the nearby area.
So what does one do when you are a VIP at McDonalds and the drive through worker recognizes you? (another story would be when I ran into the same drive through worker twice in one of her shifts, well not actually ran into her..that is yet another story..). Well that's just the question needing an answer. I guess identifying the problem is the first step.
I will be writing more on this issue but I'm getting the look like it's time to leave so my husband can get some sleep...
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