Friday, 9 March 2012


We have no home Internet until Saturday. No, this isn't one of those "we didn't pay our bill" situations although it wouldn't be a first-Dave has gone to turn on the lights and nothing has happened only to realize that those envelopes sent by BC Hydro weren't greeting cards. We cancelled his business phone and Internet. Apparently the receptionist he hired (read: me) couldn't be bothered to answer the phone-not during MY TV stories. Since not having Internet is not an option, we crunched some numbers and realized that if we got home Internet we could get cable as well and still be paying less a month. Since we didn't want to pay for two packages we opted to get our Business package canceled first, so for the last few days we have been living like cavemen. I have been hunting and gathering via my expensive cell phone data package (I didn't even know who KONY was until my sister explained it, I thought it was a presidential cancel my "vote for KONY 2012" buttons). Until we get our Internet back I've been using an old fashion IPad commonly known as a pen and paper (for those of you born after the 90's).
I have posted a few entries but I have typed them out (including this one) on my IPhone doing the two thumb shuffle.
Blogging is hard enough without your IPhone trying to change every second word into something dirty. The autocorrect is so sneaky. It just changes your words and before you know it what you said isn't what you meant. it's like when I ask Dave if my jeans are too baggy and he replies "they're not painted on like your other ones" and it turns into a 30minute argument over how he called me fat.... Plus trying to type something without mashing all the buttons and phoning someone in the process is near impossible. I have small fingers, in fact they are quite dainty. I've been told they are piano fingers (too bad I have the musical talent of a Spice girl). However dainty my fingers may be, as soon as they hit the IPhone touch keyboard, they become thundering elephants, hitting every button but the one I meant to hit. Seriously, I'm getting a "sausage finger" complex. Also jumping between text is almost impossible so to add something in-between words... Forget about it! This means I actually have to finish my train of thought, I just can't frame it and come back to it later. If I do try I have to delete words to get to the part I want to amend and often forget to re-add them, making sentences that make as much sense as grade 10 algebra. Did I also mention I have sweaty hands? Blogging is such a work out that my fingertips sweat and my touch screen becomes more of a mash and swear screen.
Anyways enough about the IPhone, I have a whole pending blog about it once I figure out how to convert my paper copy into a virtual copy-maybe I'll try shoving it in the CD-rom...or as I call it the cup holder, seriously do we still even make cd's anymore?
Can't wait until I have Internet on my computer again, Dave might be a bit annoyed when he looks at our data usage package on our cell phone-I'm putting someone's kids through college.

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