Ohhhh the man-cave. For those unfamiliar with the term, I looked up a definition for you on urbandictionary.com, which has become the source for most of my information these days. It has also become the sole way to translate half the things teenagers say. This is what their definition is
"A room, space, corner or area of a dwelling that is specifically reserved for a male person to be in a solitary condition, away from the rest of the household in order to work, play, involve himself in certain hobbies, activities without interruption. This area is usually decorated by the male that uses it without interference from any female influence."This term use to be non-existent, it only entered the English language a few years ago. Then it was something men talked about in hush whispers-it was a way for men to enjoy the perks of marriage but still preserve a sliver of their bachelor lifestyle, frozen in time. It was a dream, a bold rogue thought. Only a select few had one and they were the envy of their peers. Now it seems like instead of a luxury, it has become something that a man is entitled to, a man needs one to cope with daily life. It's like cryogenic freezing, at first the rich and insane people like Walt Disney did it, now everyone can freeze their heads. The man-cave phenomenon has become an epidemic, if there is a spare room that is not taken by a bed or a toilet or a kitchen appliance, it should automatically become the designated man-cave. A man without his cave is truly living in poverty. Back in my dad's day they had another version of the man-cave: the bathroom. Ladies? what have we allowed to happen?
I blame the garage or what I call the prototype-man cave. Ask my mom. In the whole house, the one spot she doesn't reign control over is their garage. That is where dad puts all his tools and broken appliances (with the hope of one day fixing them). My mom only enters to dump more of my dad's crap that he has left laying around. It just seems like the men from my generation took it to a whole new level and added PlayStations, big screen TVs and musical instruments.
Apparently men need a space their own, away from the stresses of work, commitment and of course responsibilities of family life. I'm thinking the real reason is they got tired of doilies, and napkins and having to wear pants all the time. We made our house feminine, and by that I mean we cleaned it.
Maybe us wives allow the man-cave to exist for our own peace of mind (read:sanity). Maybe it's a way us woman have cleverly found to deal with the man in our life. I'm not sure about your man, but mine comes with a lot of stuff, or more correctly junk. Stuff that doesn't belong that I would love to arrange "accidents" for. A man-cave is a great way to cram all the stuff I don't want to trip over or look at but I know my husband would never throw away. Currently our whole apartment feels like a man-cave. Our fireplace ledge has a dragon snow globe on it for pete's sake (one of those tacky fantasy ones you'd find in comic book stores or in the room of a 40yr old that still lives with his parents). No matter how many times I try to knock the ugly thing over with the vacumm, it never breaks! If I could contain hurricane Dave to one area of the house..paradise! In fact, I could get rid of so much man stuff from the house I'd have more room for important things, such as doilies!
So why isn't there a such a thing as a woman-cave (the term exists but don't look it up, it means something completely different involving lady parts)? Before you say it, the kitchen does not count. Men, I know you were thinking it. Ladies, it's time to get on to that, give me some ideas. I'm too busy living like a 1950s house wife to come up with my own. I say we should strike back and infiltrate our husband's man-caves, with doilies! But then again that means we'd actually have to spend our spare time with our husbands-forget that!
So I think I will allow Dave to have his man-cave if we ever get out of this apartment...providing it comes with a door with a lock-that locks from the outside! Until we get a bigger place Dave will have to be content with the BAT being his man-cave.
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Expectation: This is what men think of when they hear the word "man-cave" |
Reality: Dave's current "man-cave"-The computer hutch, its the one area I dare not clean, just shut the doors. I tried to find a picture of a ugly man-cave but really they all look ugly to me. |
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