and then there were 3..... |
Lily and Joseph:
Lily liked Joseph when he was at the hospital, however once she realized that we were bring him home the story changed. Let's just say we gained a baby boy and a little green monster. Seriously my reflexes have gotten so much sharper and quicker in the last 3 weeks. I've been deflecting plastic projectiles that have been launched at his head-why why why are all toddler's toys made with heavy plastic? What toddler has a placid temper?? Just this morning Lily tried to kiss Joe with her plastic "little people" bus. I prevented it but since I was breastfeeding I almost lost a nipple in the process. Her newest thing is she makes motions that she wants to be picked up when you're holding Joe but when you put Joe down to pick her up she refuses. She actually doesn't want up, she just wants you to put Joe least she's creative about her methods. The last week she has been making progress into big sisterhood and out of thughood. However as much as she tries to help she's a little rough. She'll walk up to Joe's bassinet (which rocks) and tries to rock it but in the process almost launches him out and into the wall (really we need a seat belt in that thing).
Below the diaper:
Having a boy is a very different experience. When I had Lily I knew the equipment so it was never a problem. Let's just say guy parts? I'm in the dark on this one. All I can say is after 3 weeks of dealing with them, I'll have to give guys some credit, they're tricky for sure, honestly I'm not sure how men do it. I've yet to figure out how to put a diaper on without it leaking. Seriously over the course of the night I'll change 2 sleepers covered in pee and multiple cribsheets. Did you know that you have to position the umm..guy hose the proper way otherwise the pee will shoot up the diaper or out the side? Yeah, neither did I, let's say I've been doing at least a load of laundry a day with all the objects he's peed on. And between you and me, cleaning dried poo off a nutsack is a bit...traumatic. Dave had to do the first few changes since I was scared to touch it, in other news apparently I'm a prude. I'm also a bit nervous how to deal with guy issues later in life. Like puberty! I guess that will be Daddy's domain. Dave says just get a lock for his door and knock before entering. Okay now I'm really scared!! I'll take Lily screaming "I hate you!!" over self discovery any day thankyouverymuch.
Yes I've been trying to breastfeed. Well actually, I've been trying to find a reason not to breastfeed but despite my best efforts Joe is actually doing well at the breast. I know breast is best, however breastfeeding feels like I'm jabbing my boobs with two hot irons. I don't get why making one of the most sensitive body parts a food vehicle seemed like a good choice when we were created, seriously, why can't we breastfeed through our elbows? The on-demand is a bit hard to, because if Joe could have his way he'd eat every moment of the day. He's earned his nickname the human tapeworm, I'm seriously blown away by how much this kid eats. I'll nurse him for over an hour and he'll still want to feed. People have complained how I haven't taken many photos of Joseph, but it's not my fault! He's either breastfeeding or crying to be breastfeed. So all my photos would be of Joe, my boobs and of course my feet because that's where my boobs currently reside. Either they're lonely and want company or they're trying to migrate somewhere safer. At first I thought I was feeding "on-demand" properly but then the public nurse informed me that on demand doesn't mean I feed him for 20mins then demand him to wait an hour because I don't feel like feeding him longer. FYI the public health nurses answers for any breastfeeding question is "nurse more often". It is funny watching Lily walk around pinching her nipples though..the other day I saw her lift up her shirt and try to feed one of her "little people" toys. Sponges at this age I say! Anyways I'm sticky and covered with milk all the time so now we'll see if my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...
The apartment
We've been on lock down. With two kids it's almost impossible to get out of the house in a timely matter. I'm getting a bit of cabin fever in my veal pen along with a side order of Stockholm syndrome. Not to mention that we can't have the doors open since Lily can't be on the patio and I don't open the windows since I don't want to be on channel 5 news when she falls out of our apartment so it becomes a little sweat box in here. I seriously wonder if our downstairs neighbor has a grow-op. We turned all the heat off in March (even the pilot light on the fireplace) when the weather was still cold and our apartment was still a balmy 25 degrees. Now with the hot weather, lets just say it's gotten a lot more balmy. Keep in mind we also have a diaper genie that is pushed to capacity and is stored beside a window so with the heat and sun beating down on it, it's also getting a little bit smelly in here. My goal everyday is to get out for at least a walk, which sounds easy but when one is fed the other one is hungry and when one is up the other is napping. The overall summary? cramming 4 people and a cat into 900 square feet is like playing human tetris.
Dave's been pretty good with the kids and dealing with hormone central. He did do his weird computer thing when Joseph was born-he gets obsessed with fixing the computers and focuses only on that. The good news is that all our computers are fixed and up to date, the bad news is the man almost got a macbook to the head in the process. Luckily worked picked up so he's been working lots, which in a way is tough because I'm stuck in kiddie hell with no backup all week, luckily my parent's are good sports. Dave got a work truck, and its the exact same as our BAT, so now instead of one BAT we have two BATs. Why are trades work vehicles always trucks? Why not a work Fiat or work Yaris, you know, something I can drive! Oh well. Dave is excited about having a boy, he's no longer outnumbered here.
Post Baby body
I can't complain, I'm back to my pre-pregger body weight. Only difference is everything is an inch lower. I do have a post baby belly composed mostly of skin and a bit of McDonalds overindulgence and since I'm petite its more noticeable. I went to Waves Coffee the other day and the barista who couldn't see Joseph (he was hidden behind the stroller) asked me if I had my baby yet. When I showed her him she touched my stomach and went "but you still have a tummy!". Well excuse me for having the nerve to walk out of the house a few days after giving birth without donning a pair of spanx. I've been going to Starbucks where the baristas don't know me instead now...I don't want a barista giving me a side eye when I order whipped cream on my mocha!
So anyways I hop to be blogging again real soon, or at least keep my picture blog a bit more current. You can see more pictures of Joe here
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