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Me at 39 weeks and growing |
So my due date has come and gone and before you even ask: No. The baby hasn't arrived. The worst part of the last few weeks of pregnancy is not the backache, the heartburn or the gas (well Dave might debate that). No, the worse is the fact that every stranger decides to talk to you and point out that you're pregnant (in case you didn't notice). Seriously I'll be at the grocery store and before I make it from the milk section to the cheese section-a 3 inch but somehow 10minute journey-I hear "when are you due?", "oh you look like you're about to pop any moment" or even better: that person's life story in regards to their reproductive history. Dave says people are just trying to be nice, I say people are just bored and see a slow moving target. Besides I hate the phrase "about to pop". My stomach area feels so full of fetus right now that I'm scared one false move and I will literally pop: a leg directly out of my stomach like in that alien movie. It's just not strangers, it seems like I'm fielding questions about my baby's tardiness left, right and center. Yes I know people care but if I actually got a baby for every time someone asked me if the baby is here yet, I'd be a Duggar.... I guess my amount of patience correlates directly to my ability to see my feet.
I realized that I haven't blogged in over a week. So what have I been up to? Well not much, hence the drought in blog entries. There are only so many ways you can dress up sitting on the couch, eating chips and watching TV. Anyways:
- Dave came back from his work vacation. I call it a work vacation because he wasn't home and helping me do my household tasks like a good little peon. He's been off work for a week and a half so it would have been the perfect time, to, you know, have that baby. Like a true MC, schooled in the art of being inconvenient and late-the baby never came and probably will come tomorrow when Dave does go back to work. We pretty much went from one extreme to another-from him never being here to him always being here. The thing that suffered most (apart from my sanity)? My reality TV watching. I had to "share" the TV which meant I was subjected to a lot of man shows. As we speak Dave is watching Deadliest Catch where they're catching crabs. I'm sorry but I see bigger crabs on my trashy shows (Jersey Shore I'm looking at you..) so I'm not impressed. I can't wait until he goes back to work so I can flush out my mind with a good dose of trashy shows without shame or him sending me dirty looks. Trust me, they are all PVRed and every day Dave asks me if I meant to record those shows. On the plus side I got him addicted to Millionaire Matchmaker so I guess he's not a complete loss...
- I added another person to my hit list. My doctor told me on my Wednesday appointment that he was going on vacation....MONDAY. Yes, he gave me 5 days notice. We're not talking about a family emergency or a conference, no, he's going to Australia for a month. Gee doctor, you think you could have given me a little more notice? Seriously, I felt like bitch slapping him with that plastic vagina model that sits on his shelf. I won't say the visual of him getting eaten by a Dingo didn't cross my mind... I finally met the doctor that is covering for him, TODAY. It was the only time they could squeeze me in, and the worst? The receptionist gave me a lecture about leaving it to the last moment. Maybe you should talk to your boss? Hmm...
- I can't remember if I have ranted about this before, but we've been having trouble with our big ass stroller. The brake doesn't work, probably a result of a bent frame. I've been dealing with Baby's World and Phil and Ted since February 20th. Anyways they finally lodged their head out of their ass and shipped me the part to fix it. However when I see it I will believe it. I've also been waiting for the second seat which has been on backorder. After 6weeks they finally got it. When I went to pick it up-it was the wrong color. For those that know me, I'm way to anal to let that fly. We ended up buying it, since you know, baby can come anytime and we didn't want to get stuck without anyway of transporting the kiddies. Anyways after a few angry emails, phone calls and an entire week later I returned the seat with a giant "shove it where your head was previously" and went to TJ Kiddies that actually had the seat in the color I wanted in stock. Just getting to Vancouver was a day trip. By the time we drove there-with Lily screaming the whole time, picked up the seat-with Lily screaming the whole time, stopped by McDonalds playplace so Lily could stretch-with Lily screaming the whole time and drove home-with Lily screaming the whole time, it took 3 hours!! Seriously, the kid was 5minutes away from getting put in the truck bed of the BAT.
- Dave and the Big ass truck also earned themselves a place on my hit list. While putting the BAS in the BAT, my MP3 player fell out. Dave then proceeded to drive over it with 6000lbs of truck. In case you are wondering, the BAT won. I found the carcass the next day.
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This is what happens when you try to pick fights with a BAT |
As you can tell, it's been a week of frustration. I've been trying to be positive and a good sport about things, then I realized that it goes against my nature. As I've said over Facebook, it's been one of those weeks where you want to head to your local coffee shop and terrorize a barrister-because you know it's their fault for everything. Make me a tall non fat 1/2 pump vanilla latte 180 degrees in a grande cup with extra whip cream and chocolate sauce on top in the design of a happy face. But not too happy...oh and I brought my own thermometer so even try to pass 170degrees as 180!
Here's hoping that baby will arrive soon. Tuesday they plan to induce me if I don't go into labor naturally. and YES I will keep you posted, if you hear no news then there's no baby yet...
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