Saturday, 29 December 2012

Year in Review

Well it's that time of year again. 
   As you may have already discovered, Christmas season always brings the annual Christmas newsletters.  They show up in the mail (on time no less) showcasing a picture of a photo perfect, smiling family and each paragraph boasts more successful ventures then the last.  For some reason their toddler doesn't decide to stick her finger up her nose in EVERY photo!  Usually when reading about how little Timmy has mastered quadratic equations is the same time I notice that my daughter has used her hair as a napkin (you try not to freak out when her head is covered in red ketchup and you mistake it for blood)..
    I've always wanted to start a newsletter tradition of my own, however, I've been waiting for some boast worthy news.  This year I decided to try to work with what I got.  So far it hasn't gone as planned.  For starters my newsletter is already late: I aim for Christmas and I'll be lucky to get one out by February.  Second of all, I don't plan on mailing it, just putting it out there in blog form.  While trying to come up content, my first gut reaction was to grab a newsletter from a more successful family and pass it off as mine.  After all, one cannot brag about ones ability to double fist frozen cookiedough and chocolate chips while breastfeeding.....

So here is a summary of 2012 for the McRidout family:

Arrival of Jo Jo: 

We welcomed our third child this April.  He hasn't done anything amazing such as create cold fusion or win a peace prize but he is sitting up on his own and boasts a total of 3 teeth.  He's got such a sweet smile that I'm sure he'll charm the creator of cold fusion into giving him credit hence earning me a spot in a nice retirement home.  He is my precious son, hence I have spoiled him rotten (I regret nothing!).  He's sure cute now but I'm sure it won't be when he's a toddler.  His real name is Joseph however, we decided that we should give him a girly nickname that should follow him well into university (Jo Jo isn't that bad, I use to call Lily gummi bear because she had no teeth).   
Oh yes he's cute now....
however at 2am in the morning when he's screaming because he hates his crib, its not so cute!

Arrival of the BAT (Big ass truck)

Oh yes, the truck.  As mentioned in previous blogs, much to my delight, my husband traded in our zippy Jetta for a Big Ass Truck.  Now I know how Jack's mother felt when Jack came home with magic beans.  Apparently a reasonable size truck meant big enough to house a family of four in the back to my husband.  This monster of a vehicle has pretty much condemned me to being a pedestrian since I can barley manoeuvre my stroller without crashing it into a wall (just the other day I ran over someone's foot in the mall, I'm pretty sure I'd get more then an eyeful of stinkeye if I did that with the truck).  The other issue is it is wedged between a fancy sportscar and a pole in our parcade which pretty much wife-proofs it.  It took me so long to figure out how to get it out of our underground parkade, that I forgot where I was going in the first place. Glug glug glug..what's that? I can't hear you over the sound of my truck.  Just watch your feet, I don't want to crush it with my carbon footprint! 
For more BAT chaos click here.
Sorry kids, I spent your college tuition on driving to the supermarket!

Lily turned 1:

It was a year of firsts for Lily. We threw a huge party to celebrate the occasion in February.  However once she hit that landmark she found out that getting old sucks (enter the arrival of her younger brother).  2012 brought the discovery of walking, which lead to running which lead to jumping which has lead to many time outs.  She also started to talk and, well hasn't ceased since.  She now speaks in full sentences and seems to be full of sass just like her mother.  It has created our nightly Mario games that much harder (have you ever tried to play Mario without using colourful language?-ask Dave what S word she learnt tonight).  We started going to Strong Start this September which has provided her plenty of opportunity to terrorise others in a new setting.
Here is Lily at her first birthday party

It's amazing how much they change in that year! here is her in Dec

Lily and Jo Jo

 Lily loves her new brother very much as long as he's not playing with any of her toys, interacting with any of her people or breathing in her general direction.  We constantly have to remind her that she has to respect Joe's right to exist.  Jo Jo adores Lily and finds everything she does hysterical.  In fact I overheard them laughing while I was putting my contacts in only to discover that she had coloured his face using a ball point pen.  While we were playing Mario tonight, we looked over and there was Lily, feeding JoJo water from the dog's dish while he was jumping in his jolly jumper (sure glad I spent all that time and effort sterilising his bottles..).  Lily also enjoys the opportunity to use JoJo as a scapegoat.  Quite often whenever Lily is being bad, her first cry of protest is: "Jo Jo did it!".
The Dynamic Duo

I SO will be employing this technique.  My only concern is that it makes it easier for Lily to distribute JoJo beats

Elijah turned 2

It's been two years since Elijah passed away.  We spent his birthday with my family and had a nice day at Squamish.  We decorated his grave site for Christmas.  As always he remains a big part of our family.  Miss you baby boy!


Sister got engaged

After finding this picture on google, it makes my romantic plane ride proposal suck
 Yes, I know it's not really my news but I'm running out of material.  Bottom line is that I got a new brother-in-law to torment.  I've been taking lessons from Lily and anticipating mastering the art of swirlies any day now.  They seem very much in love, which makes sense since she hasn't realised that husbands come with plenty of laundry.  Anyways there's a rumour of maybe a fly by night Vegas wedding so I've been searching the web trying to find her a mullet dress for the occasion.    

It's not class unless its in the form of a mullet

Dave got a new job

Dave started a new job that involves him working out of town for long periods of time.  We miss him while he is away but I don't miss the laundry and dishes that follow him.  Plus we fight way less with a province to buffer us.

Job Search

I've been trying to help out financially, especially since Dave was laid off for a few weeks in December.  I am still trying to find freelance writing jobs but so far no one has found me that funny.  I did however try to venture back in the land of the working and was able to land a job but wasn't able to make it worth my while (turns out people charge money for childcare, my kid's company isn't payment enough).  I have been adding extra income and exploring my hobby of getting rid of stuff by selling it on bidding wars.  I was able to fund most of our Christmas costs this way.  Yay me!!  My husband isn't that impressed that random things go missing in our house and he secretly fears he'll return home one day and there will be nothing but two pillows and a lamp left.


I decided to get back in shape and since I have a complicated relationship with both time and money, running seemed to be the cheapest and easiest method to do so..  Up to December, I was running 10-15km twice a week.  I've done two races: the 10km Terry Fox run and the 10Km 5 peaks run.  Since December however I haven't been out running because Dave is working out of town but as I guiltily opened a bunch of running related gifts over Christmas, it's time to get back into it.  I'm hoping 2013 will bring some new races. 

and finally the biggest change of 2012:

I'm NOT pregnant.

How many just read the I'm and p-word (too scared to put the two together incase that's what causes it) and almost peed themselves.  I'm happy to announce the completion of the McRidout family.  In case anyone is interested, this is the longest period of time in our marriage where I haven't been pregnant.  I'm excited to try out normal people activities such as snowboarding, seeing my feet and eating lunch meat.
2009-2012, long journey but done!

Hope you enjoyed reading my year in review!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

State of Davecation

As most of you know, I am flying solo until March.  Dave has followed the gravy train and it has lead him to Alberta.  I swear, he was running towards work and not away from having to deal with the family 24/7.  He's going to be gone for weeks at a time, so it's only natural that I announced our home to be in a state of Davecation.

*Yes, I am aware that I just announced that I'm home alone to the internet.  BUT I have a very large viscous cat and sleep with a very realistic model phaser under my pillow (not toy, after you turn 25 you call them models)*

So what does this mean?  Clothes in the hamper (not beside it), dishes in the dishwasher (not the sink and table) and less laundry (the man takes out a different dish towel for every spill..).  I tend to do less around the house as well since noone is coming home and asking me: "what have YOU done all day"- because I was in the same spot when he left the house (Spoiler alert: in my PJ's eating nachos).  Cooking and cleaning get reduced to minimal operations.  This is the closest to a vacation that a mom gets so I'll take it!
This is how I feel when I don't have to vacuum every other day

This is not the first time he's been away.  But all my Davecations have only been short.  I do miss my husband but I must say, the best times of our marriage is when we have a city or two to buffer us.

Last time I was on Davecation I spent most of my nights staying up late, watching Star Trek and eating nachos (since we have an abundance of salsa, see post on grocery shopping).  I also filled up my Iphone memory downloading Picard memes.
  I also embarked on a little hobby, because after the second night of memes I was getting a little stir crazy.
 I painted Lil and JoJo's second hand train set which I had bought for Christmas.  It was such a good deal but it had looked like it went through toddlergetan-apparently its last owner enjoyed smashing the trains against the wall.  I sanded the trains down and gave Thomas a sex change-hope he likes pink!  The first night of operation jazzify trains was a complete disaster.  Since the toddler was in bed, I assumed that I could leave my painting mess on the table.  I apparently forgot I own a cat. Day 2 of Davecation involved scrubbing acrylic cat paws off our new bedsheets.  The second day of operation "Jazzify Trains" resulted in an acrylic trail around the house. I'd blame the cat however the stronghold of the trail is on the fridge handle. On I side note: I love nachos.
The last day, I realized that I should really vacuum, at least once.  It ended up being an educational day:I learnt how to change a vacuum bag. I learnt that Dave bought the wrong bag size. I learnt you can't force a bag to fit:not with scissors, not with tape-Nope macgyvering a vacuum bag will get you a bigger mess than you began with.
Lets not forgot about my constant state of throwing away things or selling them on bidding wars for a dollar...

I'm surprised that he trusts me home alone or at least isn't a bit scared to come home.

So now I have full reign of the house.  I already decorated the house for Christmas, sold a few of Dave's items, but I'm bored.
I could vacuum...
look for a job...
cook dinner...
be a mother to my kids...

I think it's time for a prank.  Before Dave left for Alberta he was a bit down.  He temporaily forgot how terrible the kids behave (or is in a state of denial) and was a little worried about missing them.  Actually he was acting like he was leaving forever, moping about as I danced jigs around him...In fact, the kids were being utter thugs at the dinner table when he told me he was all sad that he got to eat at restaurants and would miss dinner time.  Really? Can I go instead? 

So I was thinking I should do something like in the movies where the hero returns to Earth from Space after a long journey only to discover that things are not at all like when he left.  Like the world has been taken over by bugs.  Something completely bizzare like when he comes home we're vegetarians...or worse Vegans.  So I have another few weeks to convince my family that vegetables are more then a way to layer meat...oh forget it, it would be easier to convince bugs to take over the world...

So I intend to enjoy my Davecation, or at least until the place becomes downright hairy with cat fur and I get tired of eating canned chili over the sink (or my parents get tired of myself and the kids).

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Safety and Starfleet

 The following entry is a possible submission sample for a science fiction blog.  I'm still debating on submitting it.

I was doing my usual nightly routine of eating Ritz Sandwiches and watching Star Trek, because, honestly, when you have kids that is what your life gets reduced to.  Not that I'm complaining, without children I would be doing the same thing except I wouldn't have to pause the PVR every two minutes to make sure the kids aren't sticking anything into electrical outlets-we kind of let them run feral...However, my two year old can tell the difference between a Romulan and a Vulcan, so I consider my job as a parent complete.

Anyways, we have been watching a lot of Star Trek TNG and Voyager since that is what the Space Channel is playing (and NO we don't have Netflixs because we live like cavemen).  We started to notice a pattern, of the 'Safety First' variety.

Does Starfleet not have a Workers Compensation Board or some sort of safety committee keeping a tab on them?  Do Safety regulations and fines not exist in the future? I'm seriously starting to doubt if they have any safety protocol in place at all.  If the WCB that we have in Canada was alive and kicking in the 23rd century, they would be having a field day.  Maybe they still exist in the future but are too busy chasing after roofers to put on safety harnesses to bother with the star fleet, but has anyone stopped and thought maybe there is a reason why ensigns with no name tags are always in such high demand?

For those not aware, Workers Compensation board sets up safety regulations in order to reduce workplace injury, create a healthy and safe environment and to protect those injured while at work.  A lot of the practices on the Enterprise would not meet up to present day standards.
First, let's look at The Bridge:  there is always at least one officer standing.  Take Worf for example-the Chief Security Officer is standing at his station, they don't even provide him with a swivel chair! I've seen some grocery stores where the cashiers get swivel chairs.  Maybe they have a better union?  I'm not sure about you, but if I was in a battle the last thing I would want is the person in charge of lasers and shields to be ass over feet.  Also, have you seen the size of Worf's cranium? Would you really want to risk that flying into the back of your head at warp speed?

It seems like in every episode at least one person is getting thrown around on the bridge whether regular, guest star or doomed ensign.  In "Evolution", Dr. Stubbs takes a piece of furniture in the face when the ship is rocked by an explosion.  Why wouldn't there be some regulation that everyone has to sit at their post during turbulence or at least strap Worf in with a safety harness?  There is also a clear lack of seat belts, not only just on the bridge, but in engineering.  You'd think a starship's "Red Alert" would be akin to an airplane's "Fasten Seatbelts")  (maybe they have the same logic as being on a bus-why do you need something to strap you in when there are 30 people in front of you to break your fall?).

Don't get me started on Wesley Crusher, I had to wait until I was 16 to drive my parents' shaky old K-Car.  He gets to drive a galaxy class space ship with a crew of 1,000 and no one bats an eye.

Now the uniforms, I have never understood them.  Maybe I missed the episode where they explained it but, from what I understand, there is nothing special about them.  I'm not sure about the rest of the Trekkie community, but in my household this is a hotly debated topic usually sparked by any episode involving an away team.  You would think that with all the technology in the Star Trek Universe, they would have wonder-suits.  Maybe it's because I don't have HDTV, but from my end it looks like they are made from pretty standard material.  Not only that, but they can't be comfortable-I have invented a drinking game:  drink every time Riker has to adjust his uniform.  Don't even get me started on how skin-tight they are, many-a-time I have been hypnotized by their moobs bouncing up and down during a corridor walking scene.

On Away Missions, I've always thought that they should be wearing a HAZMAT suit or at least gloves.  I remember when I was a Vulcan for Halloween one year, my mom made me wear a jacket under (yes UNDER) my Star Trek pajamas-apparently the officers have more faith in their uniforms shielding them from the elements than my mom did.

Back on topic, how come they aren't better equipped?  Yes, you can roll your eyes at me and tell me they have sensors and tricorders to warn them but I have seen enough episodes where their sensors have failed to pick up the giant hole in the middle of the path.  For example, in "Shades of Grey", Riker got stung by a thorn and almost died.  He was wearing his standard shoes while wading through a bog-why the heck wasn't he wearing hip waders?  You couldn't pay me to walk through alien sludge without a few inches of heavy duty plastic protecting me.  Also, look at the Voyager episode "Parturition".  Here they are going to some alien planet where they know the atmosphere is an extreme skin irritant and they are not even wearing HAZMAT suits.  You'd think they'd pack a space suit or some head gear just in case something happens, like they crash (spoiler alert-they do!).

Besides the uniforms, it has also amazed me how unprepared they are when they beam down.  Here they are in some foreign world in some sketchy situation and they don't even have an emergency backpack with food rations and a fresh change of underwear.  Hasn't anyone ever asked "Hey what if we get stranded here? Shouldn't we at least bring some snacks so we wouldn't have to resort to eating Ensign Whatshisname on the first day?"

Shall we also look into the number of times someone has escaped via transporter or shuttle craft?  Take "Deja Q," when Q takes a shuttle craft to lead the Calamarain away from the Enterprise, he was already in the shuttle and half way from the ship before Worf noticed.  I can't even get through airport security in under an hour, yet someone who is not even a crew member can stroll into a shuttle dock and jack a shuttle?  I don't think I could even hotwire a car that fast.  Also look at "The Bonding".  How many times did the aliens try to take Jeremy to a transporter room before somebody clued in to shut it down.   Either there is a serious lack of safety protocols, or maybe Worf drinks on the job?

Anyways, with Riker consistently pulling down his uniform, Worf's cranium bashing into things and people taking shuttle crafts for pleasure rides, the safety infractions are plentiful.  If anyone wanted to make some money in the 23rd century, they should get a contract with Starfleet, offer safety inspections and start handing out those fines.

Why hasn't a Ferengi thought of this yet.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Bidding Wars

   So I've found myself a little hobby.  A few months ago someone invited me to a Facebook group called "bidding wars" and next thing I knew I was hooked.  Some may say it's an addiction but I disagree.  I do it socially....I can quit anytime.  That's what I tell myself and quite honestly that's what I believe.
 What is bidding wars?  Basically you post an object of mild interest for a ridiculously low price and let other addicted Facebookers fight over it.  Sometimes you get a killer deal on objects, make a little extra Christmas cash or pay $5 to take someone's trash to the Salvation army (or your consignment store of choice).  That's the thrill-will EUC (Excellent Used Condition) actually be a valid description or as realistic as a character you would find in a Dr. Seuss book-Cat's don't wear hats, everyone knows they wear boots! 
     So far I've made $100bucks selling $400 worth of objects.  Since Dave is currently laid off, I made more money than him this week.  I am the breadwinner!  Kids, this week we eat meat and not from a can at that!
So why is it addicting? 
  Part of the problem is the lure of getting a good bargain.  A lot of people are selling mainly because they want it out of their house so they will post cheap.  Sometimes you score a brand new snowsuit for $6, other times you get suckered.  A brand name dress for a starting bid of $1?  Missing a strap? no problem.  Rip down the back? minor inconvenience.  Infant poo splattered over the front?  It's a buck! it usually retails for $200!!  It's so hard to say no.  Often times I find myself bidding just because I see that it is only $1 and what could possibly go wrong? 
    Sometimes things don't stay cheap for long.  When the bidding gets hot and the prices skyrocket and all of a sudden  Now you realize that you cannot live another second without having an electric nail trimmer in your life.  You have been living like a caveman, a recession housewife without one, and everyone else is bidding so it must be a great bargain for the best product in the history of this planet.  Once again it is so hard to say no and all of a sudden you realize that you are about to draw blood over a "hang in there kitty" poster which evidently is now going to cost you 600 bucks.
    Now for the selling.  Equally as addicting.  It is way less aggravating then Craig's list and trust us, we need the extra cash. Dave told me his dream house was for sale and if I choked on my food and died, he could collect my insurance money and be able to buy it. Luckily living with Lily has taught me to sleep with one eye open. Regardless I'm going to make sure to cut my food up extra small until said house sells...  

   I often find myself pacing around the house mumbling "what else can I sell".  Or more importantly-what else can I sell that I won't get busted for selling.  You can tell Dave is getting a bit nervous.  As I touched in other entries, I think he's scared I am going to sell anything that isn't bolted down.  I am just waiting for the day I catch him super gluing things to the floor.

Monday, 3 December 2012


So I've started hunting for a job.

My husband and I mutually decided I should go back to work.  Actually no, it was more like Visa made the decision for us.  Apparently we like to spend money.  After closely inspecting our statement with a highlighter and a look of disbelief, I realized that if we wanted to keep eating food that doesn't come out of a can and feature a picture of a dog, I would have to find a source of income.  Not only that but we have an expensive data plan to support.  Not so shockingly I also found over a hundred dollars worth of McDonalds on there.  So...Visa not only believes that we're deadbeats but have atrocious eating habits as well.....

At first I tried finding freelance writing jobs but no one seemed to think I was funny, which is weird because quite honestly I find myself quite hilarious.  I raised some money on an online Facebook page called bidding wars. I made a hundred dollars before I ran out of stuff to sell. Everything else was soon bolted down by my husband who became quite nervous that he would come home to everyone sitting on pillows because I had sold the couches.   Having no skill other than hawking junk and writing sass, I went to my fall back plan-find some peon work where it didn't matter that I have spent the last two years philosophizing if the wheels on the bus still went 'round and 'round.  (Spoiler alert: they do!!)

So cue in the great job search of 2012..more like the mediocre search of 2012.  The first few weeks involved me looking at Craig's list and deciding that most part time jobs I were looking for involved a little too much lifting.  I would look at the computer and groan because I was pretty sure I was the first mother in the history of motherhood that had to go back to work.  But my laundry would miss me!  Luckily my husband assured me that my dirty laundry mountain would still be waiting for me at the end of the day...

I have a little bid of hesitation about re-entering the workforce.  Making the switch is never easy.  I remember the first week I was off on maternity leave.  I walked around the house with a lost look on my face and a pile of blank papers that I would fax to random numbers (after Lily became a toddler soon the pages would read: help me).  I also had no idea how to time my coffee breaks since there was no work that I was trying to avoid.  Now I have to do the reverse: get use to faxing documents instead of playing name that stain (spoiler alert: it is never chocolate).  First of all, the whole wearing pants thing will be a challenge or any article of clothing devoid of baby puke.  Also as a housewife I make my own hours.  Yes my toddler often demands overtime or my baby decides that I'm working a night shift, but once again, the pants...oh the pants.  I've been off the payroll for two years busting my butt for nothing more than a sippy cup thrown at my head and being called a stinky butt.  Yes if I go back to retail it will probably be the same except with adults but maybe it would be nice to get a paycheck at the end of the day. 

The first hurtle was of course the resume.  On my first round of EI in 2010 the government made me go to this job search course that was suppose to give me a resume that would amaze potential employers and make them want to hire me on the spot.  By this they obviously meant a resume that looked like I rolled it in dirt and then threw up on it because that is exactly what I got.  In fact, I ended up with a resume that would only be good if I was applying at a mental a patient.  I ended up just using the same resume that I created in highschool.  Then the cover letter...I always have difficulty with this one because I feel like I have to kiss butt.  I wish I could just write: I can do this job, let me be great!!!

Next roll in Craig's list.  It is hard not to get distracted by the grammatically incorrect, misspelled ads or the employers who want you to have a PHD, 10years of experience but only want to pay $2 an hour.
How could one not troll?
After wasting a few nights of writing comical cover letters to certain ads I remebered what I was actually suppose to be doing.
So I applied for a few select places, wrote a clever cover letter and sent my resume on its way.  So far I've heard nothing, but luckily there is always a spot for me here, at home, during the toddler power hour.

So wish me luck, hopefully I will find what I'm looking for.

Sunday, 2 December 2012


  It was Saturday morning and Dave decided to wake up before me and let Lily out of her cage-by that I mean I slowly kept rolling over until I pushed him off the bed.  Regularly, most mornings involve a disgruntled me releasing Lily to attack a peacefully sleeping Dave. Dave has become desensitized to Lily's regular tricks which involve bum drops to the head, however I have recently discovered the most effective method is to ask her "where is daddy's eyes?".  This immediately prompts her to poke him in the eyes-the only things that would actually wake him up.  But this morning was different, it was me that was avoiding a pre-breakfast eye gorging.  Anyways she looks at me and utters the most feared phrase in the English language "watch cars?" followed by that toddler nod which basically lets you know that this is more of a command than a question.   
We have made a grave mistake...
     We showed my car obsessed toddler the Disney movie Cars.... Oh yes, it was oh so cute to watch her memorized-mouth open, drooling or her panic when MacQueen gets lost.  Oh yes, we had a good chuckle.  It was actually a refreshing break from a girl whose normal morning routine involves running laps, throwing her cup off the table during breakfast and then trying to jump on my back when I bend over to pick it up.  However we then realized that what all those parenting books say are true: kids love repetition.
They love viewing the same thing again and again and again....and again and once they are done they still want to watch it again.  Lesson learned: maybe it is time to actually read those books instead of using them as coasters.... 
  The adult human brain can only handle so much...yesterday we watched the movie three times.  I now have the movie's soundtrack permanently stuck in my head.  When I go to bed at night, I don't count sheep, I count mini Lightening MacQueens running laps around the track.  I have gleefully thought of over a hundred ways that I could destroy the DVD, a hundred ways to hide my crime-however I fear the repercussion which no doubt would be Lily beats.  It has gotten to the point that whenever I see a car featured from the movie in real life, I have to resist the temptation to let the air out of its tires.  At first I found the movie witty, charming and funny.  However after a week of being on a car only diet, I now find it the equivalent to medieval torture...I often wonder why these movies don't have multiple endings, like maybe 50 of them so I could at least change it up once in a while.
  While Lily is awake, no other program is acceptable.  Don't you even think about trying to watch reality TV.  Don't ask me what happened on Extreme Cougars, it's still on my PVR,  I haven't even been able to watch Liz and Dick to make fun of it (because that is totally why I recorded it..).Our usual after dinner viewing of Star Trek has been met with protests of "NO SPACESHIP".  After 30 minutes of whining and gnashing of teeth, we finally cave thinking it would be easier just to watch the movie.  However after 5 minutes we decide that Owen Wilson's voice (which use to be sexy to me) is worse-it now makes my teeth hurt...
Zoolander is now ruined forever to me.
I won't be able to watch Wedding Crashers without cringing.
I'll never be able to stand Larry the Cable Guy...oh wait, I never was able to stand that guy.
    I think that's worse, when you start recognizing the voices behind the animated characters.  Watch Shrek. Now tell me if you're able to take any of Eddie Murphy's movies seriously anymore...all I picture is the donkey.  Good actors out there-please stop doing voice acting gigs, us poor parents end up having to listen to you over and over again and then when we go to watch our grown up stuff there you are again...
Okay Lightening MacQueen someone needs to take you to the wreckers before I finally go looney and start having conversations with Dave's Big Ass Truck.
Send help or send more DVDS.
Until then zoom zoom, around in my brain Lightening will go!