Friday, 3 February 2012

Kill BOB (the stroller that is)

    I did it, it's finally happening-we are selling our BOB stroller.  With Baby #3 on its way, it is time to start thinking about buying a double stroller.  For the past year,  I have been completely dependent on my BOB stroller to get me places.  One blog entry would not be enough to outline my disdain for this stroller.
        We bought the BOB during the first few months of marriage.  It was back in our googly eyed days where we actually respected each others opinions.  We got the BOB because my husband thought it was cool.  Ladies, please let me give you a piece of advice-never let a man pick out a stroller.  They will pick one that is sleek, sexy and boasts to be the top of the line.  However chances are slim that they will actually use the stroller on a regular basis and will leave you cursing their name.  As with most things in life, sometimes the coolest, sexiest things in life are also the things with the most issues. 
That is the problem with BOB, it sucks you in with its coolness, in theory it has everything a trendy mom would want.  It has the image of a healthy fit Vancouverite with a well behaved happy baby in tow.  In the first week of actually using it, I quickly discovered its flaws.  I found this facebook entry:
"Dear BOB Stroller:  You are the bane of my existence.  I cannot wait to sell you for beer money or even better-throw gas and a lit match at you and laugh insanely as I watch you burn to your ill designed frame.  Seriously you may have convinced the whole world you are a wonderful stroller but I am onto you."
Obviously I wrote this on a good day of using it.  First of all I called it "dear".  Second of all I would never light it on fire, it was forged in stroller hell, fire wouldn't scratch it.  Lastly, anyone with any knowledge of strollers wouldn't give you enough money for it to be able to buy beer.
Why would I hate this stroller so much? Let me just compile a brief list:
  1. The suspension is too bouncy: It creates a real mosh pit feel, the exact thing you want your child with no neck control to experience.
  2. It's a beast:  It's like using a semi trailer to transport an egg.  It will not fit down any grocery aisle without knocking things off the shelf.  Multiple times at Winners it has pulled an entire rack of clothing down.
  3. Has a tenancy to randomly tip or flip over if any sort of weight is applied the wrong way.  It would be better suited as a catapult.  My mom rested Lily on the handle bar for a moment and the whole thing flipped.  Luckily my mom caught Lily upside down by the diaper.
  4. Will roll if left for a moment.  Prefers to roll backwards into the middle of the nearest and busiest street.
  5. Its hammock style seat is perfect for molding young spines into a desirable Quasimodo hunchback.
  6. It has no storage space, I can't fit even a jug of milk or a couple of 26ers.
  7. The beverage holder is fabric.  Combine this with the bouncy suspension and coffee drips out of your Tim Hortons drink and onto your child's head.
  8. The rain cover requires an advance engineering degree in order to figure out how to apply correctly.  If you're just an arts major like me there is always a gap that will funnel water directly on your child's head.
Alternatively this stroller would be better to be used as towel rack to dry clothes.        However I guess it is not all that bad.  The stroller is pretty good at hitting teenagers that are in your way or giving old ladies who are walking too slowly a gentle push.  It is also very easy to push with one hand while eating a giant subway sandwich, and trust me as a pregnant women I'm always walking and eating a giant sandwich.
Anyways I will be glad once the BOB is gone.  Oh, BTW, if you saw my ad on Craig's List and are interested in buying it, it is a great stroller and you will be very happy with it.  $300 OBO.

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